Oakhill Drive Public School - A Positive Education School

Teaching Respect, Responsibility and Resilience

Telephone02 9634 1033


Uniform shop

A school uniform is required at Oakhill Drive Public School. We have a Summer uniform, Winter uniform and a sport uniform. All school uniform needs are available from the school uniform shop.

Summer Uniform
The summer uniform is worn in Terms 1 & 4. The girls' summer uniform is either the school check dress or the short sleeve shirt with school crest and navy blue shorts along with white anklet socks and black school shoes. The boys' summer uniform is a sky blue, short sleeve shirt with school crest, navy blue shorts, navy blue anklet socks and black school shoes. All children are to wear the school's navy blue hat. Optional school navy sunglasses are also available. A school sweatshirt with logo or school jacket with logo can be worn on colder days.

Winter Uniform
The winter uniform is worn in Terms 2 & 3. Most items will arrive around the beginning of March. Girls wear a tunic with the school check pattern or navy blue pants with a sky blue long sleeve blouse. Navy blue socks or tights are worn with black school shoes. Boys wear a sky blue long sleeve shirt with navy blue trousers, navy blue socks and black school shoes. Both girls and boys wear the school sweatshirt with logo or school jacket with logo. The school hat is also worn.  School sunglasses are also available.

Sports Uniform                                                                                    
The school sports uniform is for both girls and boys and should be worn on sports days only. Students are to wear the Oakhill Drive sports polo shirt with the Oakhill Drive sports shorts. White anklet socks with white joggers are to be worn with the sports uniform. A school tracksuit is available for winter sports days and optional navy school sunglasses for sunny days.

Second Hand Uniforms

We do stock some second hand items as well. If you are leaving the school, please consider donating your uniform to the shop for resale as second hand.

Location and Opening Times
The uniform shop is situated near the school hall.  Please contact the school office for days and times.

Boys Summer uniform order form

Girls Summer uniform order form

Boys winter uniform order form

Girls winter uniform order form

Uniform Order Flexischools instruction including new students  (pdf 80 KB)