Oakhill Drive Public School - A Positive Education School

Teaching Respect, Responsibility and Resilience

Telephone02 9634 1033


School planning and reporting

Planning and reporting help us meet the needs of our community, improve the quality of teaching and enhance outcomes for all of our students.

The development of the new strategic plan has been a consultative process, involving all staff as well as parents and students. Through this process we have identified a school vision statement, which articulates clearly what we strive to achieve at Oakhill Drive Public School.

Our vision statement

Strive to achieve

Our students will gain the skills, knowledge and attitudes, that will prepare them to be creative, connected and collaborative lifelong learners. Our students will be encouraged to become healthy, well rounded, global citizens that contribute to the common good.

Strategic direction 1: Student growth and attainment

In order to improve student outcomes in literacy, numeracy & wellbeing, we will develop whole school processes for collecting, analysing and using data to ensure the implementation of high challenge curriculum provision & support for every student.

Strategic direction 2: Explicit teaching & expert pedagogy

In order to improve student learning outcomes, we will hold high expectations for every student and apply explicit teaching practices using research driven pedagogy to enable all students to effectively access and use information to solve problems, pose questions, synthesise ideas and justify their reasoning.

Strategic direction 3: High quality collaborative culture

In order to improve student learning outcomes, our community will engage in high quality, collaborative practices, harnessing the expertise of the collective, critical to improving teacher quality, parent involvement and student outcomes.

Strategic Improvement Plan

We have developed a Strategic Improvement Plan (SIP) in consultation with our community, identifying student outcomes and connected to a budget.

The School Excellence Framework (SEF) underpins our school planning and reporting approach. The framework provides a clear description of the key elements of high-quality practice across learning, teaching and leading.

The SIP is a working document that details the steps our school will take to improve learning outcomes, and the achievement and growth of all students. To ensure continuous improvement, the SIP reflects where our school is at and how it will further improve learning, teaching and leading.  

It demonstrates our alignment and our commitment to excellence as part of public education in NSW to ensure a profound difference to the ongoing growth and development of our students.

School Plan

The school has developed a research-based, data informed, action-planned culture and is committed to achieving outstanding outcomes in the areas of leadership, teaching, learning, student welfare, and parent engagement.  We have implemented highly successful programs and practices in each of these areas to achieve our aspirational targets.

Download our current and previous school plan/s:

External Validation

Self-assessment and School Achievement

In 2019, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework and participated in an external validation. The Framework is a statement of what is valued as excellence for NSW public schools, both now and into the future. The Framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high-quality practice across the three domains of; Learning, Teaching and Leading. Each year, we assess our practice against the Framework to inform our school plan and annual report. Every five years, our school undergoes an external validation process. During the external validation process, an independent panel consisting of a Principal School Leadership assesors and a peer principal considered our evidence and assessment of our school's progress against the School Excellence Framework. Our self–assessment and the external validation process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in the delivery of education to our students.

For further information on School Excellence Framework visit: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/school-excellence-and-accountability/school-excellence


The Results of the 2024 External Validation

School annual report

The annual report provides an account of our operations and achievements throughout the year. It is the result of rigorous self-assessment by staff, parents and carers, as well as student leaders.

Download our annual reports for a detailed account of:

  • the progress we have made to provide high-quality educational opportunities for every child as set out in the school plan
  • the impact of our strategies for improved learning
  • the benefit to all students from resources including equity funding
  • our operations and achievements throughout the year.